Volume 4 ; Issue 1 ; in Month : Jan-June (2021) Article No : 132
Vikrant Verma

In more than 200 nations, the COVID-19 Pandemic has caused the greatest disruption in the history of education systems, affecting up to 1,6 billion students. More than 94 percent of the world's student population have been affected by closures in schools, institutions, and other educational areas. This has brought about profound changes in our life in many facets. Social dissociation and limited rules on movement have greatly disrupted traditional training. Reopening schools following limitation easing is another problem with several new standard operating procedures. Within a brief period of the COVID-19 epidemic, numerous scholars have contributed their efforts on teaching and learning in diverse methods. Several institutions, colleges and universities have ceased face-to-face instruction. In the approaching year, there is a worry that 2020 will be lost or more. The time is needed to develop and implement alternative education and evaluation systems. The COVID-19 epidemic gave us a chance to set the road for digital learning. This article attempts to offer a thorough assessment on the influence on the online learning of various aspects of the COVID-19 epidemic, and to outline the way ahead.

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